Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Blog Search

The first search that I did for blogs, I looked up the word "dogs" and came up with a bunch of hits. The first site that I actually took the time to read was called Two Barking Dogs (twobarkingdogs.wordpress.com). The blog is essentially about a woman and her life with her two black Labs. The posts can be random, such as when she wrote about one of her dogs and all the little quirks about him and his temperment. Others are about trips that she made with her dogs, such as to a yard sale, the blogger's favorite, and the items she picked up. Pretty much every post though has some mention of either one of the blogger's dogs. Overall, the blog isn't that bad, but it is kind of hard to think of people that would religiously read the blog or had an intense interest in everything the blogger was writing.

To kick things up a bit, the next search I did was on polygamy, which I figured I would get a lot of hits for due to all the recent news about a certain polygamous sect. A lot of the blogs were people's personal blogs and they just happened to mention polygamy only once and then they went on to some other random thought. However, I eventually did come across a blog that dealt with polygamy, titled Christian or Biblical Polygamy (polygamy.joshuashouse.com). Now I actually got kind of scared at first to read the blog because I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't know if the writer was going to preach that polygamy was a good thing or say that it was an absolute disgrace. While there wasn't an exact statement on that issue, I did find a lot of religious quotes taken from the Bible, so I can only assume that the blog was trying to make the point that polygamy is okay. Most of the recent blogs were on the FLDS sect situation that unfolded recently and one in particular, caught my attention as the bloggers basically agreed with a news article that the sect's separation of families is causing harm. A creepy site, nonetheless, and a ton times more interesting than the previous blog I looked it, but the controversial topic does pique my interest more.

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

25 points. Wow, that was a bold idea to search out blogs on polygamy. I'm sure there are some passionate debates online on this topic! It does help illustrate the tendency of blogs to give voice to "silenced" points of view (including those with which we do not ourselves agree).